Sunday, September 7, 2008


MU played SEMO last night. It was Harper's first football game this year. I took her last year but she doesn't remember so I wasn't sure how it was going to go. She loved it! She danced, yelled, cheered, watched, and played.
Harper watching the guys warmup during pregame. Notice the new Nike. Her other shoes were to little, figured this out on Thursday. She hasn't worn them all summer because she is either barefoot or in sandels. So it was a fast trip to the store Thursday evening so she would have shoes for the game. She loved them!!

Touchdown tigers! This was pregame practice!
She cheered so hard for the Tigers!
She was so into the game.
Harper wearing Shayla's sunglasses lookin cool at the game.

So hopefully some people are proud of me (Sherri and Bailey) that it is Sunday and I am posting about the game yesterday!! I have done alot of posting tonight to get caught up! I am tired now!


Brooke said...

You were really productive on the blog yesterday! I love your new background!

The Barnes Crew said...

Way to go girl...proud of you!! Love the pics and REALLY LOVE the new background!

The Smoller Family said...

My, my, my. You are busy--how impressive!

Bailey's Daily said...

Good Job!!! HE HE! Those pics are o cute!!!

Brandon, Kelly, Peyton & Kamryn Yoder said...

Love all the pictures from the game. It looked like Harper had a blast.