Wednesday, September 10, 2008


There is a new tiger coming to town and is scheduled to arrive in time for the spring game. Estimated date of arrival April 11, 2009!!!


The Barnes Crew said...

I hear this awesome news earlier today! CONGRATULATIONS...we are so excited for you all!!!!

Brooke said...

YEAH! I was waiting for you to blog about this! I'm so excited to be an aunt again, cause my sister doesn't plan on having any little ones anytime soon--at least that is her claim :(

A said...

yeah!!! so so excited for you!!!

Unknown said...

Hooray for the Hairstons!
I am so excited to read the news.
Miss you,

Brandon, Kelly, Peyton & Kamryn Yoder said...

Congrats! This is very exciting news. Brandon and I were just talking awhile back wondering if you would start trying again any time soon. If Harper is lucky she just might get a baby sister or brother on her birthday!

The Smoller Family said...

Way to go!!! Can't wait for the new member of the family to arrive. And just when Harper hits the terrible twos! Fun all around!! We're thrilled for you.

Bailey's Daily said...

YEAH!!!!! I AM SOO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! Harper finally gets to be a big sis!!! I can't wait!!

Scogin Family said...

CONGRATS!!! Joey came home the other day and told me the good news! He is excited that we will be pregnant at the same time as someone else we know:)

The Stoner Family said...

Hey there!! Okay so I saw your link on Amanda's blog. We have one too! Can I add you to ours!!?? How are you! That is so exciting that you are pregnant. Send me your email.