Friday, June 5, 2009

New Addition!!

This post is for Brooke and Sherri! :) March 31, 2009 Reid Allen Hairston was born. He was 6 lbs 13 oz and 19.25in. He is now 9 weeks old. He weighs 13.4lbs. Harper loves her Baby Reid. He is a very happy baby. He just started smiling real big and making noises.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Catch Up...

So I know I am terrible about blogging right now. Things have been super busy at work and home. I am 34 weeks now. Reid is growing and will be here before we know it. We are working on getting his room together. Harper is doing great in her "big girl" room. She loves her bed.

We are still working with Harper on potty training. She is doing okay. She has her real good days and then she has not so good days. This day was the best. I was sitting in the bathroom with her waiting for her potty. She got her step and then this. No words needed... I guess going potty is hard work!

Not a whole lot more to post. I will try to post more often. My family is working on organizing a Mother's Day 5K Run in Moberly MO (about 30-45 minutes north of Columbia). We are working with a local radiology clinic to host it. It is a breast cancer prevention run. The proceeds will go to pay for mammograms for men and women who cannot afford them otherwise. Shan, my bro, did a Mother's Day Run in Australia for breast cancer, that is where we got the idea. We have had several friends and family with breast cancer so it is close to our heart. We are excited to organize/host this run. So that is keeping my family busy at the moment. So if you know anyone who wants to run or donate please let me know. We will have registration up soon.

Monday, January 12, 2009

So far behind...

So I know I have not blogged forever. Alot has gone on since the last time and I need to put up pictures and everything. Christmas was great. We did Christmas before we left for the bowl game with both sides of the family. Harper had a blast. We left for the bowl game and had a great time there and came home with a win!!! Santa came to the hotel and also to the house. He told Harper he couldn't leave it all at the hotel so he would leave some at home too. So she was very excited to get home and see what he left there. She got a kitchen set. She loves to fix us dinner.
I had my doctors appointment today. Everything looks good and right on track. I am 28 weeks. I start going every 2 weeks and have to have my diabetes/glucose test this week sometime. Not something I am looking forward to. :) So I have about 10 weeks left and we will have another little one!! :)
Harper has moved into her big girl bed and loves it. She has been in it for about 1 week now. So now we have to get the other room started. We have to paint, put everything together, clothes ready, etc. All the final things really.
I think that pretty much covers things quickly. I will try to post pictures from Christmas and the bowl game soon. We will see. Things are getting busy at work plus trying to get things done and set up to be gone for a few weeks with the baby.
Until next time, hopefully sooner than later!!