Sunday, September 7, 2008

Messy Night!

Parents As Teachers had a Messy Night a few weeks ago. I had to work late so Hap, Carolyn, and Carole Kennedy took Harper until I could get off work and meet them. Carole took some great pics of Harper. I have waited to post about this until I got the pics from Carolyn. Harper had so much fun!!

Harper playing in spaghetti noodles and pudding. It was hard for her not to eat it because spaghetti is one of her favorites!

Finger painting in ketchup and mustard. Ketchup is another favorite!

Finger painting in pudding. She really liked this one!
This was probably Harper's favorite station. She loved painting boxes!

Of course she loved the water!
What's next Mama?
Final station of the night! FOOD and even better graham crackers and chocalate icing!!
Harper as a MESSY KID to go home!

1 comment:

Bailey's Daily said...

Holy Cow!! She is sooo messy! but at least she had fun!!